Technical name : Pendimethalin 30% EC
Packing : 250 ML, 500 ML, 1 LTR & 5 LTR.
Technical name : Pendimethalin 30% EC
Packing : 250 ML, 500 ML, 1 LTR & 5 LTR.
Recommendation :
1) Wheat : Phalaris minor, Chenopodium album, Melilotus alba,Portulaca oleracea, Anagallis arvensis, Fumaria parviflora, Poa annua
Dose : 1 acre. Light soil (1.32 Ltr.), Medium soil (1.68 Ltr), Heavy soil (2.0 Ltr)
2) Paddy : Echinochloa colona, E.crusgalli, Fimbristylis miliacea, Marselia quadrifoliata, Alternanthera (Transplanted) sessilis, Ammonia baccifera, Ludwigra parviflora, Eclipta alba, Cyperus difformis.
Dosage : 1320-2000 ml per acre.
3) Cotton : Echinochloa spp. Euphorbia hirta Amarnanthus viridis Portulaca oleracea, Trianthema sp. Eleusine indica
Dosage : 1000-1666 ml per acre.
4) Soybean : Echinochloa spp., Euphorbia spp., Amarnanthus viridis, Portulaca oleracea, Trianthema sp.Eleusine indica.
Dosage : 1000-1320 ml per acre.
Shaolin is a broad-spectrum and selective herbicide.
Shaolin is a pre-emergence herbicide for the use in Wheat, Rice, Cotton and Soybean.
Shaolin is applied before emergence of weeds, within 0-4 days of sowing/transplanting.
It is one shot solution of annual grasses, Sedges and broad-leaved weeds.
It is absorbed through both the leaf and roots and inhabits the cell division & cell elongation.
Good compatibility for mixtures with other herbicides.