Technical name : Atrazine 50% WP
Packing : 250 GM & 500 GM.
Technical name : Atrazine 50% WP
Packing : 250 GM & 500 GM.
Recommendation :
1) Maize : Trianthama monogyna, Digera arvensis, Echinochloa spp, Eleusine Spp.
Xanthium strumarium Brachiaria sp, Digitaria sp, Amaranthus viridis, Cleome viscose,
Polygonum spp. Digitaria spp, Boerhavia diffusa
Dose | 1 Ha. 1 - 2 KG
2) Sugarcane : Euphorbia spp., Tribulus terrestris, Portulaca oleracea
Dose | 1 Ha. 1 - 4 KG
Razee is a broad spectrum and selective herbicide.
It is a systemic herbicide kills weeds by inhibiting the photosynthesis and enzymatic activity.
It is a pre and post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in
Sugarcane and Maize.
It belongs to the Chloro-Triazine group of chemical.
It is rapidly absorbed by leaves and roots of treated plants.
It is translocated acropetally in the xylem and accumulate into the growing points.