Technical name : Amonium Salt of Glyphosate 71% WP
Packing : 100 GM
Technical name : Amonium Salt of Glyphosate 71% WP
Packing : 100 GM
Recommendation :
1) Tea and non-crop area : Acalypha indica, sida aculata, ipomea digitata, cichorium intybus,
digera arvensis, digitaria sanguinalis, paspalum conjugatum, ageratum
conyzoides, cynodon dactylon, cyperus rotundus, eragrostis spp.
Dose | 1 Ha. 3 KG
LEE 71 is a non-selective and systemic herbicide.
It is a post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual perennial, broadleaf and grassy weeds.
It is widely used in non-crop areas, open fields, bunds and water channels.
It is also used in tea crop to control various weeds.
It is rapidly absorbed leaves and translocated to the root system/rhizomes of weed plants.
It kills the plant from the root within one to two weeks of its application.
It is also effective against the weeds which are difficult to control.
It is also effective to kill the aquatic weeds efficiently.