Technical name : Oxyflourfen 23.5% EC.
Packing : 100 ML, 250 ML & 500 ML.
Technical name : Oxyflourfen 23.5% EC.
Packing : 100 ML, 250 ML & 500 ML.
Recommended Use :
Paddy : Echinochloa sp. Cyperus iria, Eclipta alba,
(Direct sown as pre emergence)
Dosage : 260-400 ml per acre.
Tea : Digiteria, Imperata, Paspalum, Borreria hispida,
Dosage : 260-400 ml per acre.
Onion : Chenopodium album, Amaranthus viridis
Dosage : 170 - 350 ml per acre.
Potato : Chenopodium ,Coronpus Trianthema, Cyperus, Heliotropium
Dosage : 170 - 350 ml per acre.
Groundnut : Echinochloa colona, Digitaria marginata, Echinochloa colona, Cyperus spp,
Solanum nigrum, Amaranthus spp, Sphenechlea spp, Anagellis arvensis,
Dosage : 170 - 350 ml per acre.
Mentha : Chenopodium album, Conmelinia benghalensis Digitaria sangunalis, Eclipta alba,
Ludwigia parviflora, Portulaca spp, Euphorbia spp.,
Dosage : 361.72 ml per acre.
FLOUR is a selective pre and post emergence herbicide used to control of more than 60 toughest
annual broadleaf and grassy weeds in vegetables, fruit, cotton, ornamentals, etc.
Excellent control of both broadleaf and grassy weeds.
It has a residual activity and controls important weeds in crops like rice, tea, potato, onion,
groundnut and mentha.